Why You Should Strength Train Your Core

What comes to mind when you think of being physically fit? Do you want to see marathon athletes hammering the pavement for 26 miles? On a floor routine, a gymnast gets a perfect “10”? Lifting twice their bodyweight in the gym?
Fitness can mean different things to different people, but in general, fitness refers to your ability to complete physical tasks quickly. Running a 5K, carrying big grocery bags into your house, and even spending an entire day playing 18 holes of golf without being weary or out of breath — or waking up hurting and bruised the next day — are all examples of this.
The foundation of good fitness is your core. Your capacity to conduct practically every action on a typical day is influenced by the durability and flexibility of your core muscles, such as getting out of bed, working at a desk, and walking your dog.
The cornerstone for physical activity is your body’s core. It is easier to move around and have more strength and power in your mobility when the muscles that make up your center are strong. Abdominal muscles can help you achieve anything from standing up from a seated position to running and stretching to backhand a tennis ball back at your opponent. A strong core is also a key component of stability and can assist you avoid falling.
It means you’re better prepared to execute jobs that need you to stretch, reach, and extend your body. Have you ever painted the inside of your house? Your core stabilizes and supports you while you bend and crouch to reach the trim, use a roller to smooth paint in an up-and-down motion, and stretch to reach the highest nooks of your room.
More benefits of strengthening your core are listed in the accompanying resource, which also provides five basic exercises to assist you do so.