The Different Causes And Treatments Of Acne

Acne treatment is one of the most common reasons why people go to aesthetic clinics. While acne usually occurs during puberty, there are adults who suffer from the chronic inflammatory condition particularly on the face, shoulders, back, neck, chest and upper arms. Acne is not dangerous but it can leave scars on the skin that can result to embarrassment and lack of self-esteem.
Reasons why people have acne
There are several reasons why there are people who are more susceptible to acne than others. One of the main causes of acne is a rise in androgen levels. The increase in the levels of androgen usually occurs during puberty. It causes the oil glands under the skin to grow and produce oilier liquid called sebum. Excessive sebum will break down the cellular walls of the pores and cause bacteria to grow. However, according to research, the severity and frequency of acne will depend on the kind of bacteria because not all acne bacteria triggers pimples. There are strains that keep the skin pimple-free.
Some studies suggest that genetics increase the risks for acne. There are families who have a hereditary tendency to overproduce dead skin cells that can clog the pores and cause acne. It is also likely that the family line has the genetic tendency to overproduce sebum that can result to an oily skin resulting in more frequent acne breakouts. Since some families are genetically predisposed to producing excess androgen, the breakouts are usually considered as hormonal.
Meanwhile, other common reasons that trigger acne are medications that contain androgen and lithium, anxiety and stress, hot and humid climates and the use of oil-based makeup. When you squeeze your pimples, you run the risks of getting an infection from the bacteria on your hands. It can also increase inflammation if you push some of the contents of the pimple deeper into the skin. Only skin specialists know the proper way to get rid of mild to severe acne including blackheads and whiteheads.
How to improve acne clearing
There are medications and acne care that are suggested to clear acne but it does not work for all cases. Acne treatment usually depends on its frequency and severity. Mild acne can usually be treated by over-the-counter medications like soaps, gels, creams and lotions. However, there are preparations that can cause skin irritations, redness or burning on first use.
Moderate to severe cases of acne can only be treated by a dermatologist or skin specialist. Oral antibiotics may be prescribed for up to 6 months to reduce inflammation and control the growth of bacteria. There are also topical antimicrobials that can unclog the pores and reduce the growth of acne and prevent whiteheads and blackheads from developing.
For more modern acne treatment solutions, you can visit aesthetic clinic in KL that uses technology to manage inflammatory skin conditions. The clinic offers acne clear laser treatment without any discomfort, downtime or residual cell necrosis. Skin specialists will assess the skin condition before suggesting the most suitable treatment to ensure an incredible complexion boost.