Symptoms Of Heart Problems In Young People: When To Start Worrying?

When you think of heart disease, what comes to mind is an elderly person. It is better to change this belief because diseases can affect the population of any age. Therefore, everyone should take care of themselves and know the symptoms of heart problems.
Young people, such as people under 40 years old (an age group that, in the past, was the mark for the onset of some heart problems), can face a heart attack, heart failure, blockage of blood vessels, and, unfortunately, even sudden death.
The situation is serious, but we must deal with it through quality information. So, we created this material to show you what the symptoms of heart problems are in young people and, thus, seek help at the right time.
Symptoms Of Heart Problems
Knowing the symptoms of heart problems among young people is fundamental to protecting yourself and combatting the rates that only increase. So check out the list of warning signs:
- tiredness for no reason: an indication that the heart is not pumping blood properly
- difficulty breathing for the same reason mentioned above
- bluish fingers, also from poor circulation
- chest pains, which spread to the arms, shoulders, and jaw
- dizziness and fainting due to low blood flow in the brain
- the feeling of the heart beating at a fast or slower pace
- nausea and vomiting
- persistent cough generated by excess fluid in the lungs caused by poor heart function;
- cold sweat
- gum problems
- not being able to do physical exercises like people of the same age
Heart Attack In Young People
As we mentioned earlier, heart problems in young people are increasing, and one of them is infarction, characterized by the interruption of blood flow to the heart. Contrary to what many believe when it affects the elderly, heart attack is usually less serious. This is because, over time, when fatty plaques obstruct the arteries, the body of older people creates peripheral vessels to continue taking blood to the organ. In younger people, there is no time for this to happen. Thus, blood obstruction is more harmful to the heart, therefore, do not think the infarction will be “simple” in a younger patient. Stay tuned for the symptoms we’ve listed, and seek medical help from clinics such as CardioCare for example immediately when witnessing them.
Before Symptoms Of Heart Problems Appear, Get A Checkup
As the saying goes: prevention is better than cure. So don’t wait for symptoms of heart problems to take care of yourself. First, you must maintain good life habits, such as healthy eating, physical exercise, avoiding stress, and not self-medicating. Also, control diabetes and hypertension. Learn more about EKG vs. ECG here.
Of course, the medical checkup, with consultations and periodic examinations, should not be left out. The most recommended thing is that men, from 45 years old, and women, 50 years old or older, make appointments annually. However, if you have a family history of heart disease and the symptoms we’ve shown you, be careful.
At Unicardio, our cardiologists are available to take good care of you. We also perform basic tests to check your heart health, such as an electrocardiogram and exercise stress test.