Signs That Your Mole Is Cancerous

Children might develop harmless moles, and some might be born with freckles, but these skin changes occur in childhood. The moles develop when the melanocytes, which give the skin the melanin, cluster together, forming a circular patch darker than your skin. Although they may be harmless, exposure to the UV sun rays or tanning beds might change the mole DNA leading to rapid cell division and melanoma. You might not develop Fort Worth moles when you are over 30 years, and this might be the first sign of melanoma. These are signs of skin cancer and tips to deal with skin cancer.
The Mole Is Changing, or You Are Developing New Moles
You will develop moles at a young age, and moles that emerge after 30 years might indicate melanoma development. The ordinary moles should be oval, round, and symmetrical with a smooth edge. The melanoma is not 6mm in diameter, but the mole size might not indicate skin cancer. A cancerous mole might be less than 6mm, and a non-cancerous mole might be more than 6mm in diameter.
However, the mole should remain the same over a long time, and its color might be constant. Thus any changes such as color and shape change might show cancer signs. A mole that grows might indicate abnormal cell division associated with melanoma. An itchy, sore, and bleeding mole might be cancerous.
The Mole on the Eye
Moles rarely develop on the eye, but skin cancer might affect the eyeballs leading to dark spots and changes in vision. Eye melanoma develops at the back of the eye and rarely on the thin layers covering the front part of the eye or the iris. Fortunately, your optician will notice eye melanoma during regular eye checkups.
When Should You See A Dermatologist?
Dermatologists treat skin issues, and they will deal with skin cancer. Thus you should see a dermatologist if your mole changes in color, shape, and width. The asymmetrical moles will have two halves and an irregular shape, and their border might be ragged. Additionally, melanoma might lead to an elevation of the mole, itchiness, and bleeding.
How to Treat the Mole
You can treat a precancerous mole if you are predisposed to skin cancer or have a family history of skin cancer. The dermatologist will remove the mole with a shave biopsy and test the cells for cancer. They may offer cancer treatments such as chemotherapy if the mole cells are cancerous.
Tips for Preventing Skin Cancer
Although you might not prevent moles from forming on your skin, you might guard your skin from skin cancer. First, avoid working in the sun at midday when the UV rays are strong, and wear sunscreen whenever possible. You may avoid tanning beds as they change the mole DNA leading to cancer.
Moles might occur naturally on your skin, which is normal but could potentially develop into melanoma. Melanoma is skin cancer and might be difficult to notice until it becomes late. Therefore, you should check the moles frequently to note color changes and diameter changes and ensure they are symmetrical. You will see a dermatologist if your moles are changing or when you develop new moles after 30 years. The dermatologists will conduct a shave biopsy on the moles, test for cancer cells, and offer appropriate treatments for skin cancer.