Seven Common Dental Crown Problems

Did you know that dental crowns are the last resort for that large cavity threatening the health of your teeth? Besides, they’re used to enhance strength and the appearance of teeth by stopping further deterioration. Although dental crowns high point nc are very beneficial, placing them is at a cost.
Dental crowns should offer a lasting solution, though they still can stimulate problems that might compromise your teeth. Some common concerns might be because of poor fixing, and some might arise later after the procedure.
Remember, the more professionally installed dental crowns, the better. That’s why you should learn these seven common dental crown problems and seek proper medication.
1. Dental decay
Crowns don’t decay, but your tooth will. If you exercise poor oral hygiene, you might develop plaques. Worse when they develop gingivitis. Plaques gather at the boundary where the crown and the tooth meet.
If they’re small, the dentist can put a filling. Severe cases might necessitate complete removal of the crown to clear the decay before making a new dental cap. Though, you can avoid this. Regularly floss and brush your teeth.
2. Tooth Sensitivity
When you just had your crown fixed, you’ll realize some thermal sensitivity from the edge of the gum line. Sensitivity occurs when the enamel experiences destruction during crowning, revealing the dentin. So, the crown must cover the whole tooth.
Remember revealing even the tiniest spaces of a potentially sensitive dentin surfaceis possible. But never fret. You can fix this problem. Use kinds of toothpaste for healing sensitivity or visit a dentist for a solution.
3. Discoloration of the Gum
Mostly, materials used as crowns are veneers with the same porcelain used in making toilets.So,as you prefer using porcelain crowns infused with metal, don’t forget they might discolor your gums. They form a dark line at the margin of your teeth. So, if you feel uncomfortable, you can seek your dentist to replace it with pure porcelain or pure ceramic.
4. Loose Crown
Commonly, loose crowns are consequent of tooth decay, aging crowns, and maybe eating sticky foods. So, don’t keep calm when you realize you have a crown on the loose. Loose crowns lead bacteria into your teeth, causing further damage.
And, remember to carry the dislodged crown whenever you visit a dentist. If they’re good, you might have them back.
5. Nerve Problems
In the dental anatomy, there’s the enamel which is the outer layer. The inner dentin is the pulp with many nerve endings. At times, while reshaping teeth for the crown, nerves are irritated. If you get such discomfort, visit your dentist for a root canal treatment and maybe get a new crown.
6. Chips
Nowadays, the fracturing of dental crowns is becoming unheard of as durable materials are in use. However, chip cases are there for those that have had their porcelain crowns for long. Besides, chipping of the crown can be filled but depending on how big the crack is.
7. Tooth Pain
While trimming the tooth for a dental crown fitting, inflammation of the pulp might occur, resulting in swellings. The swelling is temporal but might be painful. They revert to normality after a few days on their own. However, if the pain remains, a root canal treatment might be the only way out.
If you have an issue with cracking teeth, don’t hesitate to get your crown fixed. But always keep good oral hygiene and be vigilant after the process. Save yourself dental crown problems; you might lose a tooth!