Prevalent Indicators of Various Achilles Tendon Injuries

Pain above your heel is the most evident symptom, especially when you flex your ankle or stand on your toes. It might be minor at first and become better or worse with time. When a tendon ruptures, the pain is immediate and intense. The affected region may also be sore, swollen, and rigid. When your Achilles tendon Westfield tears, you may hear a cracking or popping sound. Additionally, you may get bruising and edema. You may have difficulty pointing your toes and pushing off your toes when taking a step.
Types of Achilles tendon injuries
Achilles injuries are classified into acute Achilles rupture and chronic Achilles tendonitis. Achilles rupture indicates that your Achilles tendon has ripped, but Achilles tendinitis indicates that your Achilles tendon has swollen. You may hear a pop and then feel severe pain at the back of your ankle that extends up your lower leg if your Achilles tendon ruptures or rips. A ruptured Achilles tendon can occur due to aging, misuse, and other underlying issues, such as arthritis, which weakens the tendon and makes it more prone to tears and injuries.
Additionally, Achilles tendinitis is caused by an injury or overuse of the Achilles tendon. The tendon may thicken and harden. Tendinitis is classified in two ways, depending on where it occurs. Non-insertional Achilles tendinitis indicates minor tears or injuries in the center of your tendon, producing inflammation and discomfort. Conversely, insertional Achilles tendinitis develops where the tendon touches the heel. Also, Achilles tendonitis frequently causes bone spurs or bony growths in the heel.
Diagnosing Achilles tendon issues
Doctors frequently misdiagnose Achilles tendon injuries as sprained ankles. However, your clinician will perform a physical exam to make the correct diagnosis. They may want to watch you walk or run so they can search for issues that may have caused your injury. They may also do a calf squeeze test. You will kneel on a chair or bench or lie on your stomach on the examination table. Your specialist will gently pinch the calf muscle on your good leg. This will tug on the tendon and cause your foot to shift. Then they will perform the same thing on your other leg. If your Achilles tendon is ruptured, your foot will not move because your calf muscle is not attached to your foot.
Moreover, your clinician may examine your range of motion to check if you can move your ankle normally. They may also do imaging tests such as an X-ray or an MRI. These tests can determine the type of tendon injury you have and help them choose the best therapy for you.
The Achilles tendon links the calf muscles to your heel bone. Despite the Achilles tendon’s strength, Achilles tendon injuries are common. Bursitis, tendinitis, tendinosis, and tendon rupture are among the conditions that can affect the Achilles tendon. Most Achilles tendon disorders are treated non-surgically, although tendon rupture frequently necessitates surgery. Many Achilles tendon injuries recover in three to six months with adequate rest and activity. Call Genesis Orthopaedic and Spine to schedule your meeting today to learn more about various Achilles tendon issues therapies that suit you.