Optical Glasses – 4 Simple Tips to Take Care & Maintain Glasses

Many of us have invested our time and money in finding the perfect glasses for everyday use. Whether it’s an expensive Ortho K lens in Singapore or a progressive lens with blue-light filter, what you look for embodies what you aim to express. Eyeglasses are part of us and our fashion statement, apart from providing the ability to see more clearly.
You browse Google to look for an ‘optical shop near me’, make an appointment afterwards, seek the right frame shape and pay for money. The eyeglass you wear only warrants proper care and maintenance to last longer. Without further ado, here are a few things to take care of eyeglasses:
1. Consider air drying your glass
Many don’t know, but they can air dry to clean their glasses. It will help keep materials from getting on the lens. If you have no air drying, you can opt to wipe the lens with a soft, clean and lint-free fabric cloth as an alternative.
2. Find proper storage
Storage is another factor you need to consider to ensure your eyeglasses last longer. Before you opt for an eyeglass, most would look for a try on glasses online, the same way you would do for your eyeglasses. Before you store and hide them, ensure that you have the right storage it needs when you’re not wearing them. There are microfiber pouches or bulky cases for you to choose from.
3. Rinse it with water
Another way to clean your glasses is by rinsing them with water. You can have your eyewear rinsed before wiping it with soft fibre clothing when cleaning. Tiny particles and dust can get on your lens’s surface. Sometimes wiping your eyeglass without rinsing can be abrasive.
4. Know the right materials for clothing
If you’re searching for a ‘spectacles shop near me’, one thing you would do before getting eyeglasses is to know the right frame for your shape. When choosing a clothing wipe for your eyeglass, you must also do the same approach—determining the right one for your eyeglasses. Avoid towels, napkins and tissues to avoid scratching the lens.