Most Common Hearing Disorders that You Should Get Treated to Minimize Hearing Loss and Ear Damage

Ears are responsible for much more than functions like hearing. Unlike the common and popular notion that our body is balanced by legs, the truth is that ears are the organs that actually control body functions that include balancing. It’s necessary for the ears to function smoothly for the body to continue functioning without any sort of disturbance. Easier said than done, though, in today’s world – constant use of earphones and daily exposure to loud noises in traffic lead to troubled hearing. The worst part of these situations is that you won’t be able to recognise that you’ve developed some sort of hearing disorder until symptoms start showing up. In fact, people also have a tendency to ignore the symptoms until they really start interfering with everyday life.
It’s clear as a summer sky, that more than anything, it’s ignorance that many disorders – that could have been detected early on – are discovered very late. Which is why audiologists insist on getting the ears checked once in every six months to ensure that there’s nothing wrong.
When talking about things that could possibly go wrong with ears, it’s mostly the following three conditions that are being discussed about.
- Auditory Processing Disorder
- Tinnitus and Hyperacusis
- Vertigo and balance problems
If you’re an aware individual who takes your health seriously, then the elaborations below are just the right things for you to know.
Auditory Processing Disorder
Unlike hearing loss over the entire range of hearing frequency – 20hz to 20khz – this one is better explained in terms of performance limitations. For example, a person suffering from APD will suffer from either of the following conditions that’s not related to hearing loss at all.
- Inability for auditory discrimination.
- Inability to identify auditory patterns.
- Inability to identify auditory sequential organization.
In layman terms, APD is the inability to perform and perceive certain auditory functions related to a particular skill set.
Tinnitus Disorder
Most commonly found in musicians and music lovers, tinnitus is a perception of ringing noise in the ears with no actual source of origin at all. Whilst this disorder cannot be reversed, proper high-tech evaluation techniques at clinics like the Audiologie Centre Ouest évaluation acouphène clinic are able to identify the extent of the disorder. Based on the extent, audiologists suggest rehabilitation programs.
Vertigo Disorder
Vertigo disorder is related to balancing problems, not hearing loss. The most common indications that you might be suffering from it are:
- Feeling dizzy and nauseous every time you move your head.
- Inability to perceive the direction of the sound.
Under such scenarios, an audiologist performs the following tests that are needed to determine the further course of the treatment.
- Videonystagmography (VNG).
- Oculomotor assessment.
So, our recommendation would be to get your ears checked by specialists periodically to protect hearing as much as possible.