Masturbation, Its Impact on Health, and How Much is Too Much

Masturbation is the act of pleasuring oneself through the stimulation of the genitals. It is a common and natural activity that both men and women engage in, and is associated with normal development of healthy sexual behaviour. Though typically done with one’s hands, other devices and objects are also used to achieve stimulation. Masturbation is not deviant behaviour, and should not be dealt with as such.
However, despite our natural disposition to engage in the act, there are many scare tactics and false facts surrounding it, intended to discourage it. No doubt there are certain behaviours associated with masturbation that are harmful to oneself and others around them, but the act itself does not come with inherent risks.
Problematic behaviour and tendencies concerning masturbation can be difficult for one to isolate as an issue without an open conversation about what is safe and healthy. Therefore, we suggest consulting a sexologist if you have any concerns over your masturbation behaviour, so that you can be at ease with your tendencies, or confront those which are problematic. We recommend looking at a sexologist in Lahore.
Impact on Health
First, let’s address some of the wild claims about the adverse effects masturbation has on health. Claims like doing it too frequently causes blindness, hairy palms, and mental illness, or that it can reduce fertility or that it causes one’s penis to shrink. These claims are completely unfounded and are either tales to keep underage children from engaging in the act or myths that have gained widespread belief due to frequent retelling. There are no verified harmful side effects of masturbation on physical health.
In fact, masturbation has been shown to help in a variety of ways apart from relieving sexual tension. These range from allowing you to relieve pent-up stress and tension, to helping you sleep better. It has also been shown to relieve cramps, boost one’s mood and also increase focus (a by-product of decreasing stress).
Studies regarding sexual health have also shown that exploring one’s needs and preferences through masturbation can improve intimacy between romantic partners, which is conducive to a healthier life.
Some research has also shown a link between increased frequency of masturbation to decreased probability of developing prostate cancer.
Negative Effects
Unfortunately, it can’t all be good news. There are definitely some things to be wary of when it comes masturbation. But we should start with addressing one that is a consequence of antagonism, and not due to the act itself.
Guilt: Guilt is an intense emotion that can pervade other aspects of our life, causing mental strain and hindering our productivity. Guilt due to cultural, religious, or spiritual outlooks on engaging in the act of masturbation can be very stressful. If you seek to move past this, you should talk to someone you feel comfortable with, or with a professional.
Addiction: This is, in general, a terrible thing. Addiction pushes you to ignore responsibilities, and reduces productivity. It can very negatively impact relationships, and addiction to masturbation can greatly harm sexual relations with a romantic partner.
Decreased Sexual Sensitivity: Studies have shown that aggressive masturbation can decrease one’s response to sexual stimuli. However, this can be reversed.
Now you know that masturbation isn’t something to be afraid of, but it does have to be controlled. If you still feel uncomfortable with masturbation, or feel as though it is negatively impacting your social life, we recommend talking to a professional. These Best sexologist in Lahore are some options to consider.