Managing Diabetes: What You Need To Know?

There are two types of elements in blood: nutrients and bio chemicals. One of these bio-chemicals, glucose, is the simplest type of sugar. The basic element that gives us our energy is glucose. The average glucose level in blood is 99 mg/dL. A person with a glucose level higher than 99 mg/dL is considered pre-diabetic (upto 125 mg/dL) and/or has diabetes (126 mg/dL or more).
High blood glucose levels can be dangerous for a person. High blood glucose levels can lead to damage to the eyes, kidneys and blood vessels. Through the pancreas’ production of insulin hormone, glucose is converted into energy. Our blood contains glucose that has not been used by the cells involved in energy production. This can be caused by insufficient insulin production or insufficient energy demand by the body. This extra glucose can lead to three types of diabetes.
Type 1 Diabetes can be caused by a genetic condition. It occurs when the immune system malfunctions, and the pancreas’ insulin-producing cells are destroyed or killed. Because it is a genetic condition, it can be found at any age. It is usually diagnosed in young children and adults. Type 2 diabetes is caused by lifestyle choices and health care. Type 2 diabetes management is more common, and it is seen in almost 90% of diabetic patients. It occurs when the body does not produce enough insulin for energy production or makes insulin, but not enough to use up glucose for energy production. It is not a common type of diabetes but it is very common in pregnant women. Gestational diabetic symptoms can occur during pregnancy. No symptoms of diabetes are present after the baby is born. The body is more likely to heal from the insulin and glucose malfunction.
These two types of diabetes result mainly from improper insulin production or glucose breakdown. Therefore, insulin must be injected into the body according to its needs. Patients with type 2 diabetes who are unable to maintain blood glucose levels despite exercising and eating well, may be prescribed oral medication. Doctors usually prescribe pills and tablets to the patient. Oral medications can be used to increase insulin efficiency and prevent blood sugar absorption.
One can also take physical wellness measures to combat diabetes. It is important to eat healthy foods according to diabetic patients’ needs. You should eat less calories, trans fat, saturated and processed fat, as well as less sugar. The food should be rich with fibre, minerals, vitamins and antioxidants. Whole grains, cereals and brown rice are good choices for diabetic patients. A healthy body requires that one be active. You can exercise by walking at least 10 min per day, doing yoga, or stretching.
Diabetes patients often feel helpless, believing they are trapped with the ‘Silent Killer Disease’ throughout their lives. It isn’t always true. It is your only chance to make a difference in your health. Diabetes management requires you to plan and set goals. Your healthcare management should be consistent and organised. You should regularly check your blood sugar, cholesterol and blood pressure levels.