Incontinence Management – How To Successfully Do It?

Did you know that more than 40% of people across the globe, who are over the age of 65 have urinary incontinence and have purchased incontinence products? While urinary incontinence is a common condition, it is the main reason people start to withdraw themselves from regular activities and hobbies. However, whether you face a complete loss of bladder control or have an occasional leakage episode, you can still enjoy the life you have always had.
Here are few tips for how to manage urinary and bowel incontinence along with traveling tips for incontinent people:
Managing Bladder Incontinence
When properly managed urinary leaks mustn’t produce much of an odour. Make sure you remind the patient or the loved one to change their protective hygiene products on a regular basis. You must ask them about the wetness of the products and ask them to change it as often as they want to. It will keep them feeling fresh, dry, and comfortable, and less irritable at all times during the day. You must ask them to clean the skin thoroughly or help them to do so before using a fresh diaper or pad to prevent odour, infection, and skin irritation.
Confidence Club is the leading supplier of incontinence products in Australia, and hence your best bet. They send your products in discreet brown boxes so that your secret remains one always.
You can also maintain a void diary to avoid leakage accidents. And also ask the incontinence patient to perform pelvic floor exercises.
Managing Bowel Incontinence
Bowel leaks are complex than urinary incontinence and need to be managed differently to keep your loved one fresh and clean. Bowel leakages can result in odour and hence the patient’s protective hygiene product must be changed immediately following a leak. The skin and faeces must be cleaned properly to eliminate any chance of infection. And then a new fresh product must be worn to prevent odour, infection, and skin irritation. You can order incontinence products from here – They have a good collection of incontinence pads, diapers, and underwear.
Disposing Of Used Incontinence Products
To manage foul odour from used incontinence products you must wrap them in plastic bags before throwing them in a waste basket with a secure closable lid. Do not even try to flush them down the toilet. It will choke the sewage system.
Managing Incontinence While Travelling
If you have to travel and you have requested a doctor to prescribe a pill to control your bladder functions. Then you must know that you have to start taking the medication several days before you have to travel. As you must know how the medicines are working for you and if they are working at all.
Some people pop these pills just before they step out and they are caught in a surprise due to urine or bowel leaks during the trip. Bladder control medicines need to be in your system for a couple of weeks for them to take effect. It is also helpful to get used to the effects of the new medication, such as constipation or dry mouth. This way you will be able to find ways to manage these side effects before going out of town. And when you are packing for travel, order incontinence products from Buy enough supplies to be tension-free during your travel.
Summing Up
Incontinence must not mark the end of your social life. Use incontinence products along with medication and other home remedies to lead a stress-free life. Incontinence is a common medical condition, and it is nothing to be embarrassed about.