From Japan! Miracle Oxygen Generator M1O2

We are all excited to hear about good products from foreign countries.
Today, we asked Eru, a Japanese actress and singer, who has collaborated with many scientists: What’s your recommendation today, Eru?
Human beings have always taken oxygen for granted. During the pandemic, we learned just how important it is. COVID-19 patients needed oxygen, but there were not enough generators in hospitals. As a Japanese citizen, I am proud that our survival rate for COVID-19 is extremely high. One of the reasons is Japan’s advanced medical equipment. When I found the M1O2 series, I literally screamed with happiness.
So what exactly are M1O2 products?
M1O2 products are Japanese oxygen generators distributed by Kobe Medi-care Co. Ltd, which has given out these machines to India, Myanmar, and Malaysia, where so many COVID-19 patients are currently suffering. They are literally lifesavers!
As an actor and singer, I also appreciate these machines for many reasons.
It’s so quiet!
A silent motor has been installed to greatly reduce the noise of the pump drive.
In addition, the new “Silent Form” design suppresses resonance and blocks leakage to the outside. The latest silent cooling system and pump unit have been adopted, while anti-vibration parts and soundproof covers are used to achieve amazing silence.
Protect your throat from dryness!
Aromatic oxygen can be inhaled by adding the aroma of your choice. The blue backlight gently illuminates, while the flickering water enhances the relaxation effect. This would be amazing for actors to use in their dressing rooms or for athletes to use in the gym.
Well balanced!
A healthy adult moves about 400-500 ml of air in and out of the body with each breath. This is called respiratory air volume or ventilation volume.
With 14 to 17 breaths per minute, the body takes in about 8L/min of air.
The oxygen concentration of oxygen generators sold for general home use is about 30%, while the flow rate (momentum) is 2L/min. This is more than 6 liters less than the human inhalation volume (~8L/min).
When you inhale oxygen, you inhale the surrounding air (oxygen concentration of 21%) at the same time. Even if the concentration of oxygen produced by the oxygen generator is high, the concentration of oxygen you actually take in will be remarkably low. What is important is the balance between the flow rate (momentum) and concentration.
If you use M1O2-Silent, the oxygen concentration will be 30%, the flow rate will be 5L/min or more (90%, same performance as 1L/min), outside air (oxygen concentration of 21%) will have 2L/min or more mixed in, and the actual inhaled oxygen concentration will be about 28%.
Depending on the environment and purpose of your use, you can switch between five levels: 1L (90%), 2L, 3L, 4L, and 5L (30%).
You can never be too prepared!
I hope western facilities find opportunities to experience this magical oxygen generator for both patients and healthy individuals.
I hope 2022 will be happier and healthier for everyone on this planet.
Thank you Eru!
More information can be found here. (Written in Japanese)
Eru Gibson
In addition to being an actress and singer, Eru researched actors’ autonomic systems using EEG (brain wave) tests at Tama Art University, where she majored in Arts and Sciences. Eru regularly speaks with scientists at many seminars and lectures.