Everything You Need To Know About The endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty

Well, the endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty Los Angeles is the latest and of invasive weight loss strategy. In this endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty, there is a suturing device that is inserted in the throat and then is put down to the stomach.
Then the endoscopist is going to lace the sutures in the stomach in order to make it less small. This procedure is an option when you are overweight and with a body mass index of 30 or more. Another is a diet and exercise that is not going to work for you.
The endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty is going to lead to weight loss. It is going to help you lose weight by putting a limit on how much you will be able to lose the weight with the minimally invasive process that is going to reduce the risk of complications of the operations and you will be able to quickly return to the daily activities.
Just like the other weight loss procedures, there is the endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty that requires a commitment to a healthy lifestyle. You need to make permanent healthy changes to the regular diet and get proper exercise in order to make sure that this is a long-term success of endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty in Los Angeles.
Why is it done?
The endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty is performed that will help you to lose weight and will potentially lower the risk of serious weight-related health issues. This is going to include the:
- High blood pressure
- Stroke and heart attack disease
- Sleep apnea
- Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
- Osteoarthritis is related to joining pain
- Type 2 diabetes.
The endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty and various other weight loss procedures and surgeries are done typically in order to help you lose weight. This will improve the diet and exercise habits.
Who can opt for the endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty?
The endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty in Los Angeles is for people who have a BMI above 30 and who are not successful in maintaining weight loss by modifying their lifestyle. And for the people who did not qualify for bariatric surgery.
With the endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty in Los Angeles, you can lose weight but it is not for everyone. There will be a screening test before in order to determine if the procedure is going to be beneficial for you or not. You must be able to comply with the lifestyle changes and there will be a regular medical follow-up and participation in the behavioral therapy.
The endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty is not appropriate for anyone who has a large hiatal hernia or a condition that is associated with gastrointestinal bleeding such as peptic ulcer disease or thee gastritis. Currently, it is not covered by most of the health insurance out there.
What to expect after the endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty in Los Angeles
During the procedure:
Well, the endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty is done with the help of the endoscopy unit as part of the outpatient procedure. There is general anesthesia is used in the procedure so there is a need for you to be unconscious.
The procedure will be done using the flexible tube with the camera and the endoscopic suturing device attached. Then the endoscope will be interested in the throat into the stomach. There is a tiny camera that will allow the doctor who is opening the endoscopy to see and perform the procedure in the stomach without making any kind of incision in your abdomen.
This procedure will last from up to 60 to 90 minutes.
After the procedure:
After the endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty, you will be awakened in the recovery room where the medical staff is going to monitor you for any complications. After you are recovered from the sedation, most of the people will be sent home on the same day.
After the endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty in Los Angeles, you won’t be allowed to eat for a few hours. After that, you will start the liquid diet that is going to continue for at least two weeks.
Then after that, you will be able to move into the semisolid food and then eventually will be put into the regular healthy diet.
As there is any weight loss program and commitment to nutrition, physical activity, emotional health, and will play a huge role in how much weight you lose. If someone is able to complete the whole program, then they can expect to lose 12 to 20 percent of their body weight in one year.
The endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty in Los Angeles might improve some of the conditions that are the result of the overweight.
- High blood pressure
- Stroke and heart disease
- Severe sleep apnea
- Type 2 diabetes
- Joint pains
- Acid reflux disease.
This is the process of the endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty in Los Angeles and this is how it will be performed on you.