All Your Health & Wellbeing Concerns Answered With New Chatbot ‘Bol Behen’

There’s a new chatbot in town, and it’s called ‘Bol Behen‘. Translating to ‘Speak Sister’ or ‘Ask Sister’, this WhatsApp chatbot is a collaboration between the former and a non-profit organisation, Girl Effect, to assist young girls and women with burning questions about wellbeing and health.
What is Bol Behen Exactly?
Powered by AI, Bol Behen is a WhatsApp chatbot that will answer any questions or queries girls and young women may have regarding their health and wellbeing. The bot is equipped to answer questions about health, relationships, and sexuality to reproductive health. The tool aims to empower young girls and give them a platform where they can enquire and discuss issues they might otherwise feel uncomfortable or embarrassed to talk about. The idea is to create a persona of a digital elder sister who will offer advice and answers without shaming the asker or creating an atmosphere of judgement. The bot is equipped to answer in Hindi and English for ease of communication and understanding.
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How Can Bol Behen Be Accessed?
This chatbot is primarily targeted to reach girls living in regions where their access to correct knowledge about women’s sexual health and wellbeing may be limited, and the sources to refer to for information might be limited. Additionally, a WhatsApp chatbot means it can reach girls and women living in places where they may have access to lower-end smartphones and weaker internet connectivity. You can access this chatbot in two ways. Firstly, either drop a ‘Hi’ on the number +91-730449661 on WhatsApp, or you can visit the invite link here.
This chatbot is Girl Effect’s second collaboration with a Meta owned platform, the first being Bol Behen’s 2020 launch on Facebook messenger. Since then, this tool has helped and assisted several young girls with their queries and with WhatsApp, that number will hopefully continue to grow.