9 ways to improve posture

Posture refers to how you maintain your spine while standing, sitting, or lying down. Training your body to stand, walk, sit, and lay in a way that puts the least pressure on muscles and ligaments when working or doing heavy-weight tasks is what a correct posture implies.
Bad sitting posture leads your spine to droop downward, compressing the abdominal organs and interfering with your digestive system. These habits can lead to other medical conditions such as interfering with the process of your heart pumping blood throughout your body, which can cause muscle soreness due to inadequate oxygen supplies. You will need to find doctor when these bad postures gradually worsen your physical health.
Here are the 9 ways to improve your posture
- Practice yoga
Yoga is a great way to improve your posture since it focuses on stretching and straightening your back while balancing your weight evenly on both sides of your body. Most of the postures involved in classical yoga practices can help you understand what a proper posture feels like, making it much easier to maintain these new habits in your daily life.
- Avoid pumps and stilettos
They may be a fashion trend, but they are not the most spinal-friendly things. These shoes will push the base of your spine forward, causing your back to arch. It might cause your spine to shift and put more pressure on nerves, leading to back discomfort. High-heeled shoes can place greater strain on your knees. You are encouraged to wear a lower and chunky heel for everyday use.
- Exercising and losing weight
Having too much fat around your stomach puts additional strain on your back. Stronger muscles are required to maintain your spine. A well-planned exercise routine will maintain your muscles and spine in its prime condition which is essential for a good body posture. Try low-impact workouts such as tai chi or cycling.
- Practice good standing posture
Stand upright and straight, with your shoulders relaxed and slightly pushed back. Imagine a thread slowly drawing your head toward the ceiling. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your body mostly standing on the heel of the foot. Have a small flexion in your knees. Maintain your head to avoid forward inclination and make sure your ears are aligned with your shoulders.
- Practice good sitting posture
Sit upright, shoulders are relaxed but not slumped or rounded. Find a chair that allows you to keep your feet touching the floor perfectly. Do not cross your legs. Maintain a constant or slightly greater knee-to-hip ratio. Sit back on your chair so that the chair supports your spine. Avoid your chin and head protruding from your shoulders. Maintain a straight line of your ears and your shoulders. Keep your screen at eye level to avoid stretching your neck forward or backward.
- Good sleeping posture
Use an orthopaedic mattress which can help to maintain the natural form of your spine. If you are sleeping on your side, do not hug your knees, but you can flex them lightly. Place a pillow underneath your head so that it is parallel to your spine. Back sleepers should avoid using a bulky pillow, instead choose tiny and soft ones to be put under your neck.
- Participate in physical therapy programs to improve your posture
A trained physical therapist may design a program to help you correct your posture which will simultaneously strengthen and stretch your muscles. Before starting any new exercise program, consult with your doctor if you have any medical history or conditions to avoid any complications.
- Proper techniques of lifting weight at workplace
It is necessary for you to be cautious about your posture and take some time from your desk to get up and walk around in order to loosen up your muscles. If your job or hobbies require heavy lifting, you should practice the proper lifting techniques that will help you maintain the appropriate posture which will protect your muscles and joints.
- Check your posture regularly
You need to keep track of your posture regularly in order to maintain good posture. Stand with your back facing the wall and your ankles 6 inches away from the wall. Your shoulder blades and buttocks should be in contact with the wall. Take measurements of the distance between your neck and the wall, as well as the distance between your lower back and the wall. There should be not more than 2 inches between the two spaces. A wider gap implies poor posture.