7 Major Misconceptions About Childcare

As a new parent stepping into the world of childcare services seattle wa, you’ve no doubt heard a lot of the positive aspects about signing your child up for a nearby centre. Unfortunately, with all the pros come a lot of cons – and that can cause worry or anxiety as you prepare to enrol your child. Fortunately, many of the rumours you’ll hear are just that – rumours. To help, here are some of the major misconceptions about child care downers grove il, and the truth behind them.
Children Don’t Learn, They Just Play
This one couldn’t be more wrong. From the moment children set food into a childcare south valley nm centre, they begin learning. Whether they are learning the art of language by listening to their teacher read books as they fall asleep in a cot; gross motor skills as they navigate play equipment and create sculptures from Playdoh; or they are learning to read and write their name, the alphabet and numbers as they prepare to move through Kindergarten and into mainstream school, they’re learning every day. In fact, the Early Learning Years Framework that most centres base education on has set curriculum, with a focus on play-based learning.
Childcare Is Expensive
This is a tough one. Childcare isn’t cheap, but in Australia the government provides a subsidy to help families pay the fees. The Child Care Subsidy (CCS) is based on the family income level, an hourly rate cap that matches the type of approved care you use, and the hours you and your partner work. If you have more than one child in childcare, you’ll be entitled to more CCS. You can find out more about this payment here.
Childcare Changes The Child-Parent Dynamic
This is simple. The bond between a parent and child is unique, and it can’t be replaced. Even though your child might spend hours a day at the childcare centre, they still recognise you as their parent, and they will continue to feel comfortable and safe in your presence. Spend as much quality time with them as you can outside daycare naperville il hours and your relationship will continue to be strong and healthy.
Too Many Kids, Not Enough Teachers
Absolutely untrue. Though the rules differ between states, there are educator to child ratios in place to ensure no child is neglected. For example, for children from birth to 2 years, the ratio is 1:4 (1 teacher per 4 children). For 2-3 years, the ratio is 1:5 in all states except Victoria (1:4), and for children 36 months to preschool/ kindergarten, the ratio is 1:11 or 1:10, with 1:15 for children over preschool or kindergarten age. Educators also undergo extensive training to ensure they are qualified to work with children of all ages.
Childcare Centres Are A Germ-fest
While children may be more likely to get sick when they are in close quarters with a large group of children for days on end, that doesn’t mean it’s the centre that’s a cesspool for germs. In fact, childcare centres are extremely clean and they must be cleaned daily to adhere to health and safety regulations set by the government.
Childcare Causes Behavioural Issues
A Norwegian study found this to be untrue. The study analysed over 73,000 children aged 3 years old, and actually found that children are more likely to benefit from child care than for it to be detrimental to their behaviour. daycare fairfield oh teaches children about routine, discipline and consequences, among other things.
All Childcare Centres Are The Same
Last but not least, all childcare centres are not the same. They differ in size, educational offerings, and play equipment. Some have large outdoor spaces, others focus on indoors (particularly those located in city central areas). Although most Australian childcare centres follow the Early Years Learning Framework, some centres also incorporate other learning programs, such as Montessori.
If you want to find out more about centres in your local area, such as Marsden Park childcare centres, start your research here today.